Lotusphere 2009: Day 2: Tuesday
Posted by Theo Heselmans on January 21st, 2009
What a memorable day for me personally.
As usual I did some sessions. A quick overview:
- Rob Novak and Viktor Kranz did a great 'Code giveaway: an incredible 'open' mashup application. Cool stuff. Go download!
- XPages: things you can't afford to miss: Very impressive.
- Nathan Freeman and Chris Blatnick talked about UI patterns. I expected a lot of cool things, as UI patterns have so many 'faces'. Look here ! I was rather disappointed, mainly because the 10 selected patterns were really basic.
- John Mackey showed a prototype of 'real' application for doing surveys with XPages. As surveys are near to my hart, this was very interesting.
- Rob McDonagh and Julian Robichaux compared 6 different JavaScript Toolkits, and gradually 'improved' an application. Very novel approach. An eye-opener for me, as I really need to dig into 1 (one) toolkit.
- Scott Good talked about Internationalizing. Very thorough and nicely structured. I hardly learned anything, as I use most of the techniques for years, but it's always nice to be confirmed.
- Lastly SpeedGeeking: very informative and informal at the same time. Everyone had a good time (both 5 minute speakers as audience). Just too bad there wasn't that much attendance. You miss out on some good tips if you where not there !
Later in the evening, the Teamstudio Reception ended with a big bang for me, as I actually won the Spotlight Award !
I should have written this blog last night, but I was so tired at 2.30h, that I went to bed, only to be awaken by a customer having a problem calling me at 5.00h :-(
Got a rather relax day ahead. Sure can use it.
One more thing: On the radio this morning, I heard that this could actually be the coldest day of the year !
Talk to you tomorrow.
Category: Domino/Notes Lotusphere | Technorati: Lotus, Notes, Domino
Comments (2)
Congrats on passing the R8 exam and also great news that you have won the Teamstudio Award.
Great job!
Wow Theo -wish the award was broadcasted as was the inauguration ... America is really the order of the day ... Congratulations ! Riet