Unexpected Email
Posted by Theo Heselmans on February 5th, 2011
When I was at Lotusphere, I got a very unexpected email from my mother. Why unexpected?
Well, to start with, she's turning 81 soon, and she has never used a computer in her life.
We, her children, gave her an iPad for Christmas, so she could use it for some leisurely gaming (solitaire mainly) and looking at her photo's.
After some basic 'training' she managed to 'surf the web' a bit too.
But this week, to my utter amazement I got a (albeit short) email from her.
I'm pretty proud of you Mam!
To her (in Flemish/Dutch): Ik ben zeer trots op je, Ma!
Category: Personal | Technorati: Personal
Comments (6)
The iPad works from 3 year old to 100, it's an amazing device. Next year I leave my PC at home for LS'12!
i do have cool grandparents... :)
Never underestimate the oldies! When they put their minds to something, cool things may happen. The problem with our society is that we expect (sometimes even require) them to not put their minds to anything after 65. We declare them obsolete and store them in special homes. What a waste of talent and experience!
Thumbs up for your mum!
Was ik ook maar 81...
Van Jan Gladines
@ Jan Gladines: ben wel nog maar 12 maar ik ben al twee jaar aan het sparen voor zo'n prachtig apparaat.(ben kleinzoon van Fons Verwimp).
@Jan, as you're 12 now, you still have a long way to go before you are 81! The (technological) world will evolve a lot. Who knows what kind of device you will be using by then. Hard to imagine!
And I'm sure next year's iPad will be even more advanced. You might have enough savings to buy that one.
PS. Seeing your name, we knew immediately who you where :-)