Posted by Theo Heselmans on October 17th, 2009
Category: Domino IdeaJam Notes | Technorati: Domino, IdeaJam, Notes
Comments (5)
Check - search on articles with query string. Here's one possible solution;
{ Link }
Unfortunately your tip is talking about how to handle a query_string parameter.
This is what you normally do when there is a Http:// request coming in.
However the issue is that when dealing with Notes:// requests, the query_string parameter is EMPTY !
Theo may I also suggest that you put your question on IQJam at { Link } You can use your IdeaJam credentials to login.
As a matter of fact, I first put the question on IQJam.
There people suggested to put it on IdeaJam !
HA! I missed that one. See what having a bad cold can do to you :-)
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Check - search on articles with query string. Here's one possible solution;
{ Link }
Unfortunately your tip is talking about how to handle a query_string parameter.
This is what you normally do when there is a Http:// request coming in.
However the issue is that when dealing with Notes:// requests, the query_string parameter is EMPTY !
Theo may I also suggest that you put your question on IQJam at { Link } You can use your IdeaJam credentials to login.
As a matter of fact, I first put the question on IQJam.
There people suggested to put it on IdeaJam !
HA! I missed that one. See what having a bad cold can do to you :-)