SnTT.jpgIn every application I develop for customers, I include a power-user tool to allow the users (whom have that privilege), to do a global find & replace on data.
This saves me from creating silly agents every time they need to 'clean-up' their data.
This is how the dialog looks like:
The user has to know the fieldname he/she needs to update, and can provide a list of values to change from/to.

Now let's take a look at the code behind it.
The first part is the formula part on this dialogbox. It consists of 2 hidden fields:
arrow.gifSearchString, computed text field with the following formula:

"Form = \""  + DocumentType + "\" & " + FieldName + "*= "
+ @Implode("\"" + ValueFrom+ "\"";":")
(did you notice the *= in the above formula ?)
arrow.gifExecuteString, again a computed text field:
FromList:=@Implode("\"" + ValueFrom+ "\"";":");
ToList:=@Implode("\"" + ValueTo+ "\"";":");
"@unique(@trim(@replace(" + FieldName + ";"+FromList+";"+ToList+")))"

Then there is the LotusScript Agent part (this is an excerpt, with the 'gut' of the code):
'get info from dialog
sExecute = dlg.ExecuteString(0)
sFieldName = dlg.FieldName(0)

'get all documents of that form that need to be modified through dbsearch
Set dc  = db.Search(dlg.SearchString(0), Nothing, 0)
Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument
While Not (doc Is Nothing)
eval = Evaluate (sExecute, doc)
Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(sFieldName, eval)
Call doc.Save(False,False)
Set doc = dc.GetNextDocument(doc)

Using the 'Evaluate' function is not a real drawback, and, as I and others have done some testing/timings on it, is not really 'slow'.
Updated: I created a small database with 2 design elements (the subform, and the agent):

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