Easy Graphs Revisited
Posted by Theo Heselmans on July 18th, 2007
I regret being so lousy when it comes to graphics. I admire (and I'm jealous of) people with that skill.
When seeing so much reaction to the bar-graphs I did last week, I toyed with the idea and came up with some more graphs.
It took me hours to create these (I use Fireworks), while I'm sure a skilled graphical designer does this in a couple of minutes.
But I'm a bit proud of the result:
Note that you're not limited to using them in a view.
On a form they do well too (the image below is 50% reduced):
You want to create and share some sexy graphs too ?
All bar sets used above, are in the attachment: Theo_Bars2.zip
Category: Domino/Notes | Technorati: Show-n-Tell Thursday, SnTT
Comments (3)
Hello , felications for your solutions , simple and cool.
I want to know if it could be possible to have these specials image ressources in only one database and call it from the view ??
I have not found a solution for that
Sorry Nicolas, you can't. It's just a string. You can embed images from another db, but not when it's computed. The images are very small, so it's not much of an overhead anyway (you problably only use 1 set, e.g. the orange cylinders, my favorite).