Image:1st BLUG was a big successThe first Belux (Belgium-Luxembourg) Lotus User Group gathering on Thursday was a big success. Around 200 people gathered at the Belgium IBM headquarters in Brussels for a rather full day.
Thierry Soubestre (BLUG initiator), followed by Ed Brill (need I say more) and Laurent Boes (Mgr. Lotus Software IBM Belux) did the keynote in the morning.
In the afternoon there were over 24 sessions to select from. The 8.5 and XPages sessions were all very full. My own session about Excel integration got a fair deal of attention, and was rather appreciated.
In the evening I had the pleasure to go out to dinner with Ed, Thierry, Laurent and some other IBM folks. Nice finish for a great day.
I promised I would put my presentation
and the accompanying Notes application on my blog,
so here they are:

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