IdeaJam: now also available in Dutch/Flemish
Posted by Theo Heselmans on October 27th, 2008
Bruce is on a translation spree ! His IdeaJam is available in Dutch/Flemish as of now too:
You can change the language in your profile, on the fly.
The translation was not that easy. I hope I didn't make too many errors !
Some issues I struggled with:
- IdeaSpace: I translated this into 'IdeeRuimte' (I know, sounds weird, but so does the English word).
- Tag: on the other hand, I did not translate, as I couldn't find a decent description for it ('Trefwoord' just doesn't cut it).
- In Progress: became 'In Behandeling'. Not really the same, but the best I could come up with.
Promote and Demote:Again though choice. 'Promoot' probably was better, but I liked 'Provomeer' against 'Degradeer', lacking a decent 'Demote' translation.
Here's a screenshot:
If you're Dutch or Flemish, and you see things you don't like, or are just plain wrong, let me know.
Category: Lotus Notes Domino | Technorati: Lotus, Notes, Domino
Comments (5)
Promote/Demote -> Voor/Tegen?
Bedankt voor je vertaalinspanning, overigens!
Erwin, good idea:
Voor/Tegen (In Favor/Against),
but I think a 'command' was more appropriate.
But you make me doubt ;-)
In Progress / In Opmaak? ;-)
Sorry, Theo, toch nog even verder vitten. Ik kan mijn vertaler-afkomst toch niet verloochenen ;-)
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